Next.js image components
American Chinchilla posted this in #help-forum
American ChinchillaOP
Hello, i couldn't find any info about this on the docs or google but, does it matter if i convert all my images from .png to .webp and use the .webp as the src in my next image component with all the blur and sizes props or it does not matter and there is no performance change?
5 Replies
American ChinchillaOP
I am just wondering if converting my .png to .webp will make my site faster and save next.js image component time from converting .png to .webp
Plott Hound
webp is smaller than png so yes it will be faster if the output filesize is smaller
American ChinchillaOP
thank you, I did try .webp and checkeed on the network tab but there is very little differences in sizes
im not really sure if it worth changing
Plott Hound
yeah the sizes wont be much different you need to decide if you its worth your time to manually convert them or if its worth the extra overhead of next image having to convert them. either way is fine