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Issue with loading.tsx

Asian black bear posted this in #help-forum
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Asian black bearOP
I have the following App router folder structure:

/slideshows/[name] (folder for individual slideshow)
/slideshows/[name]/play/page.tsx (play individual slideshow)
/slideshows/[name]/play/loading.tsx (instant loading)
/slideshows/page.tsx (list all slideshows)
/slideshows/loading.tsx (skeleton loading for the list of slideshows)

When I navigate to /slideshows, it shows the correct loading.tsx for that page. If I then click on an individual slideshow that I want to play, it shows the loading.tsx from /slideshows/loading.tsx, but not the one inside /slideshows/[name]/loading.tsx, but it does render it at the end of the loading. It looks really odd.

My question is this: Why does it show loading for /slideshows when I'm navigating to /slideshows/[name]/play?

I'm running on NextJS 14.1.0, all of the page.tsx, layout.tsx and loading.tsx are RSC.

1 Reply

Asian black bearOP
Seems like someone else reported this same issue here: