Setting cookies() httpOnly aren't set in localhost
StoicWanderer posted this in #help-forum
Hello everyone,
Why is that in localhost, the cookies aren't set, when I add the httpOnly attribute to the setter function like in the example in the official docs?
But when I only use this way:
it gets set.
Why is that in localhost, the cookies aren't set, when I add the httpOnly attribute to the setter function like in the example in the official docs?
name: 'userSessionID',
value: nanoid(24),
httpOnly: true,
path: '/'});
But when I only use this way:
it gets set.
Answered by Ray
ok could you update the code to this and try again?
"use server";
import { loginType } from "@/lib/loginType";
import { redirect } from "next/navigation";
import { cookies } from 'next/headers';
import { nanoid } from "nanoid";
import bcrytp from 'bcrypt'
import { isRedirectError } from "next/dist/client/components/redirect";
export default async function userLoginDB(login: loginType): Promise<void> {
try {
const cookieStore = cookies();
const passwordHash = await bcrypt.hash(login.password, 8);
const matched = await, passwordHash);
if (!matched) redirect("/signin");
cookieStore.set("userSessionID", nanoid(24), { httpOnly: true });
} catch (error) {
if (isRedirectError(error)) throw error
24 Replies
@StoicWanderer Hello everyone,
Why is that in localhost, the cookies aren't set, when I add the httpOnly attribute to the setter function like in the example in the official docs?
name: 'userSessionID',
value: nanoid(24),
httpOnly: true,
path: '/'});
But when I only use this way:
it gets set.
where do you set the cookie? route handler or server action?
I am using a seeparate file with 'use server' directive
But now it doens't even want to set the cookie at all, no matter what I rewrite in vscode
@StoicWanderer I am using a seeparate file with 'use server' directive
could you show the code? and the code on where you call it
moment please
'use server'
import { loginType } from '@/lib/loginType';
import { redirect } from 'next/navigation';
import { cookies } from 'next/headers';
import { nanoid } from 'nanoid';
const bcrypt = require('bcrypt');
export default async function userLoginDB(login:loginType): Promise<void> {
const cookieStore = cookies();
const logger = () => {
bcrypt.hash(login.password, 8, async function (err:string, hash:string) {, hash, async function (err: string, result: boolean) {
try {
if (result) {
cookieStore.set('userSessionID', nanoid(24));
catch (err) {
return redirect('/signin')
the works fine, only the cookies.set() isnt
yes, and it works ok as far as I know
but the if checks if it is TRUE right?
in the try catch
or am i understanding Javascript wrong?
@StoicWanderer yes, and it works ok as far as I know
ok could you update the code to this and try again?
"use server";
import { loginType } from "@/lib/loginType";
import { redirect } from "next/navigation";
import { cookies } from 'next/headers';
import { nanoid } from "nanoid";
import bcrytp from 'bcrypt'
import { isRedirectError } from "next/dist/client/components/redirect";
export default async function userLoginDB(login: loginType): Promise<void> {
try {
const cookieStore = cookies();
const passwordHash = await bcrypt.hash(login.password, 8);
const matched = await, passwordHash);
if (!matched) redirect("/signin");
cookieStore.set("userSessionID", nanoid(24), { httpOnly: true });
} catch (error) {
if (isRedirectError(error)) throw error
the console.log(matched) returns true but no cookie showing up, I'll try restarting the browser
@StoicWanderer the console.log(matched) returns true but no cookie showing up, I'll try restarting the browser
check the network tab on your dev tools
and see if there is a
header from the responseok, my mistake, i shouldn't have added in another async functiona nd call that inside the useLoginDB async function
it works now
there was that logger function inside the userLoginDB functiona nd that might have been the issue
so, it's ok now, thank you so much for hellping me out 🙂
@StoicWanderer so, it's ok now, thank you so much for hellping me out 🙂
np, bcrypt return promise, so you can use async/await with it
@Ray np, bcrypt return promise, so you can use async/await with it
i see, will do 😉