Is the Nextjs framework enough for full stack dev?
Spectacled bear posted this in #help-forum
Spectacled bearOP
I am a newbie to web dev, but I was just wondering if next js is enough for full stack web dev. Cz I made some projects in next js and noticed that it can do almost everything. from being a front end framework it can also be used for complete back end jobs. i can make api requests, i can connect it to a database and everything. I want to start making projects in MERN stack but i was wondering what sort of tasks/features does Next js not provide that MERN stack does provide? Thanks.
Answered by Arinji
Well yes, for small projects go for it, its recomennded to use the backend features of nextjs for basic crud operations. But as you scale up, at one point they wont be enough for you, but till then sure go for it.
5 Replies
Well yes, for small projects go for it, its recomennded to use the backend features of nextjs for basic crud operations. But as you scale up, at one point they wont be enough for you, but till then sure go for it.
that point being when its a big business or when you require more advanced things
Eric Burel
Next is a backend for frontend
empowers frontend dev
not a general purpose backend though