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Next.js project deployment for the customer and cost coverage

Pont-Audemer Spaniel posted this in #help-forum
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Pont-Audemer SpanielOP
Hello everyone. Recently, I got a customer who needs a full stack application on Next.js.
The project itself is not complicated, but I immediately had a question about how to properly deploy the project for the customer.
There are many different solutions, but they all have their pros and cons, besides they all have different prices.

If there are people here who have been developing on a freelance basis, then I would like to ask you how you usually negotiate with a client on the deployment of a project and how you deal with costs. I'm asking not only about the frontend, but also about the backend. How do you manage databases and their costs?

I don't have commercial experience yet, so l'm asking for advice from more experienced developers.

25 Replies

DirtyCajunRice | AppDir
deployment and database hosting costs are the clients burden
you are just giving them options.
Cimarrón Uruguayo
hmm what would be the approach of a devops team if they had to deploy a nextjs app (provided to them from dev team) tho?
Maybe that's what OP is asking? @Pont-Audemer Spaniel can you confirm or deny (sorry for ping)
DirtyCajunRice | AppDir
if the person is deploying on anything other than a cloud provider like vercel or cf pages, i immediately assume they have so little technical knowledge that they actually believe their unscalable self hosted monstrosity is somehow better in any way.
and if they are on a cloud provider… its 3 clicks. you dont need a devops team for that.
Pont-Audemer SpanielOP
I was just curious to find out how the rest of the developers do it. Here, rather, the commercial question is who will deploy the application, who will have the database, and since all this costs money, how will it be possible to correctly negotiate with customers to cover these costs. Of course, I can just drop a link to a private rap in the github or just drop the project folder, but for a person without a technical background, the deployment process can be very painful.
DirtyCajunRice | AppDir
you do not negotiate to cover the costs
you do not cover those costs at all
Cimarrón Uruguayo
probably vercel then
DirtyCajunRice | AppDir
you say “I need you to create an account on x website, put in your payment info and provide me with admin creds, here is how you do it”
never ever pay for a clients database or hosting for them. that is asking for pain immediately
Pont-Audemer SpanielOP
That is, should I ask the customer to create an account, for example, on Vercel, an account with a database, and I just log into his account, set up and configure the project and give it to him?
DirtyCajunRice | AppDir
for vercel, hobby is free. you can host a demo of their site as you build it to show them progress, or you can immediately have them make an account. just depends
Cimarrón Uruguayo
POCs probably can be done from ur end but final product should be from their account
DirtyCajunRice | AppDir
i expect the customer to know so little they can barely breathe on their own, so i have them create accounts and immediately give me access and i set everything up for them as needed
Cimarrón Uruguayo
I am tasked with deploying to AWS atm 💀
its kinda trek
Pont-Audemer SpanielOP
What account do you ask them for usually?
DirtyCajunRice | AppDir
totally depends on their needs, their app, and their budget
Pont-Audemer SpanielOP
Yes, for the test, I can upload the project on my own server. But if we are talking about Vercel, will the customer still need to create Github?
DirtyCajunRice | AppDir
ive set up projects on every major cloud provider so i have the experience to explain the pros and cons based on what they need
Pont-Audemer SpanielOP
Thank you very much, sir! You really helped me clarify some moments. If I have any more questions, I'll leave them here.
Cimarrón Uruguayo
am I allowed to ask further questions here or is it restricted to OP? cos the topic is the same
DirtyCajunRice | AppDir
Make a new post and ping me. otherwise the post will never close