Simple issue. Make tailwind work
Spectacled bear posted this in #help-forum

Spectacled bearOP
Tailwind classes not getting applied.
import type { Config } from "tailwindcss";
const config: Config = {
content: [
theme: {
extend: {
backgroundImage: {
"gradient-radial": "radial-gradient(var(--tw-gradient-stops))",
"conic-gradient(from 180deg at 50% 50%, var(--tw-gradient-stops))",
screens: {
sm: "640px",
md: "768px",
lg: "1024px",
xl: "1280px",
"2xl": "1536px",
plugins: [
export default config;

18 Replies

It work on mine:

Spectacled bearOP
so its config issue
hwo do i test
what it mean
what is **

Actually, I don't know as well

Spectacled bearOP
file is in componnets dir

Do you mind searching it up?
'cuz i found some

Spectacled bearOP
Use * to match anything except slashes and hidden files
Use ** to match zero or more directories
Use comma separate values between {} to match against a list of options
Use ** to match zero or more directories
Use comma separate values between {} to match against a list of options

1. Base Directory:
2. Wildcard Pattern:
3. File Extensions:
.js: JavaScript files
.ts: TypeScript files
.jsx: JavaScript XML (React component files)
.tsx: TypeScript XML (React component files)
.mdx: Markdown files with JSX support
In essence, this code pattern instructs a tool or process to search for and include files with the specified extensions within the app folder and any of its subdirectories.
Specific uses for this pattern might include:
Linting tools: To check code quality for all relevant files within the app directory.
Build tools: To compile or bundle JavaScript and related files during project builds.
Testing frameworks: To automatically discover and run tests within the specified directory structure.
Regarding the symbol:
It's a wildcard character commonly used in file paths to represent any number of directories or subdirectories.
It allows for flexibility in matching files across multiple levels of nested folders**.
specifies the starting directory for the file search. It indicates that the search will begin within the app folder, located inside the src directory, relative to the current working directory.2. Wildcard Pattern:
is a wildcard pattern that matches zero or more directories and subdirectories at any depth within the app folder. It expands the search to include files within any nested folder structure.3. File Extensions:
targets specific file extensions, indicating that the search will only include files ending with one of these extensions:.js: JavaScript files
.ts: TypeScript files
.jsx: JavaScript XML (React component files)
.tsx: TypeScript XML (React component files)
.mdx: Markdown files with JSX support
In essence, this code pattern instructs a tool or process to search for and include files with the specified extensions within the app folder and any of its subdirectories.
Specific uses for this pattern might include:
Linting tools: To check code quality for all relevant files within the app directory.
Build tools: To compile or bundle JavaScript and related files during project builds.
Testing frameworks: To automatically discover and run tests within the specified directory structure.
Regarding the symbol:
It's a wildcard character commonly used in file paths to represent any number of directories or subdirectories.
It allows for flexibility in matching files across multiple levels of nested folders**.

Spectacled bearOP
-- home page itself not working
export default function Home() {
return (
<h1 className="text-3xl font-bold underline">
Hello world!

Spectacled bearOP
does nextjs uses tailwind.config.js or tainwindconfig.ts?

Spectacled bearOP

Spectacled bearOP
ok all ok now
its reading from tailwind.config.js not .ts
its reading from tailwind.config.js not .ts
