How to fetch static data on a server side component?
North Pacific hake posted this in #help-forum
North Pacific hakeOP
Hi there, usually I would useState, fetch and then store data like so, however I am wondering how would I use a server action which returns data to place the data onto the page before returning it?
Answered by Noronha
I think you need an await here:
const script = await getScript(id);
const script = await getScript(id);
21 Replies
@North Pacific hake Hi there, usually I would useState, fetch and then store data like so, however I am wondering how would I use a server action which returns data to place the data onto the page before returning it?
With server action, just export a async function, which fetches data. And you can use that data in your document
I have an exampĺe here:
And here, using prisma:
North Pacific hakeOP
for some reason when i remove "use client" from the component it ends up doing this
Can you provide some code?
North Pacific hakeOP
import { getScript } from "@/app/actions/script/getScript";
const ScriptDisplay = ({ id }) => {
const script = getScript(id);
return <div>{script.title}</div>;
export default ScriptDisplay;
"use server";
import constants from "@/app/lib/constants";
import { getPocketBase } from "@/app/lib/pb";
const { cookies } = require("next/headers");
export const getScript = async (id) => {
const cookieStore = cookies();
const cookie = cookieStore.get(constants.AUTH_COOKIE_NAME);
const pb = getPocketBase(cookie?.value || "");
const script = await pb.collection("scriptData").getOne(id);
return {
title: script.title,
@North Pacific hake for some reason when i remove "use client" from the component it ends up doing this
North Pacific hakeOP
correction this is the page which leads to the server rendered component
I think you need an await here:
const script = await getScript(id);
const script = await getScript(id);
North Pacific hakeOP
nice yea that worked
however the error is still there for the parent component
basically i have a /app which leads to another page
North Pacific hakeOP
Error: Module [project]/node_modules/next/dist/client/components/error-boundary.js [app-ssr] (ecmascript) was instantiated because it was required from module [project]/node_modules/next/dist/esm/build/templates/app-page.js/(COMPONENT_0)/[project]/app/app/script/[reading]/page.jsx [app-rsc] (ecmascript, Next.js server component)/(COMPONENT_1)/[project]/app/layout.jsx [app-rsc] (ecmascript, Next.js server component)/(COMPONENT_2)/[project]/app/not-found.jsx [app-rsc] (ecmascript, Next.js server component) (ecmascript) {locals}, but the module factory is not available. It might have been deleted in an HMR update.
Can you post your parent component?
North Pacific hakeOP
this is the page.js
I assume it has something to do with this
import UserRouteProtection from "../ui/UserRouteProtection";
import AppDashboard from "./AppDashboard";
import DashboardTable from "./DashboardTable";
const AppHome = () => {
return (
<UserRouteProtection />
<DashboardTable />
export default AppHome;
I assume it has something to do with this
import { cookies } from "next/headers";
import constants from "../lib/constants";
import { getPocketBase } from "../lib/pb";
import { redirect } from "next/navigation";
const UserRouteProtection = () => {
const cookieStore = cookies();
const cookie = cookieStore.get(constants.AUTH_COOKIE_NAME)?.value;
if (cookie) {
const pb = getPocketBase(cookie);
const isAuthenticated = pb.authStore.isValid;
if (!isAuthenticated) {
} else {
export default UserRouteProtection;
actually no it does not
something with the app dashboard or dashboard table
its probably a tailwindui component which made me also make /app a client side component iirc
ok forget it it just works without me doing anything, maybe cache updated...
thank you @Noronha and @Anay-208 | Ping in replies