local fonts can't resolve
Saltwater Crocodile posted this in #help-forum
Saltwater CrocodileOP
I don't get how to type a correct path for local fonts. They are in the 'public/fonts'. It can resolve if fonts are in the same folder as layout.tsx, plus it can be resolved if path would be: '../public/fonts/myFont.woff2'. But I dont understand why I cant get them with default public path, like: '/fonts/myFont.woff2' or at least '@/public/fonts/myFont.woff2'
9 Replies
try changing the path to
Saltwater CrocodileOP
oh should be
Saltwater CrocodileOP
yea, it works if I set by default way, but i dont understand why it doesnt work like static asset public folder
because it is expecting the relative path of the font and will copy the font to static assets folder when building
so you dont need to put them in the public folder
Saltwater CrocodileOP
thank you man for explanation. now i get it
no prob