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Is it just me or does npx seem to be seriously lacking in options and documentation detail?

Pyrenean Mountain Dog posted this in #help-forum
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Pyrenean Mountain DogOP
I haven't used it much but I noticed that a git repository is created for you when you use npx to create a nextjs project. Not only that but it takes the liberty (or nextjs does) of making an initial commit for you. I don't prefer this. I know I can delete the .git directory inside the local project then initialize again myself (thus removing the default initial commit) and then make the commit/s the way I want them - but - I was hoping there was an easier way. I though just maybe that there was some option to use with the npx command (when creating a new nextjs project) to either not initialize a git repository or to - at least - not make the initial commit for you. I'm not finding anything like that and I honestly think npm help npx documentation is confusing at best.

Is there some way to create a new nextjs project with npx that does not initialize a git repository for you and/or does not make the initial commit for you?
Answered by Anay-208
there is no direct way with npx, however, there are some options like creating custom shell scripts, which after initializing the project, deletes .git
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9 Replies

there is no direct way with npx, however, there are some options like creating custom shell scripts, which after initializing the project, deletes .git
Pyrenean Mountain DogOP
Ahh.. I see
Well thanks for letting me know
Can you mark my answer as a solution?
Pyrenean Mountain DogOP
I'll look for that option (new to discord, actually)
by right clicking my message, apps>mark solution
Pyrenean Mountain DogOP
Thanks for showing me how to do that
if you need any other help anytime. create another forum and ping me!