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Passing data from middleware to server components

Alaska pollock posted this in #help-forum
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Alaska pollockOP
Is it possible to pass data from middleware to server components in any convinent way, other than using headers?

In my case I need to pass a pocketbase sdk instance created in the middleware (need to access auth cookie) and pass it to the server components without need to recreate the same instance.

Here is my code:

import { NextRequest, NextResponse } from 'next/server'
import PocketBase from 'pocketbase'
import { URL } from './lib/pocketbase'
import { decodeNextCookie, encodePbCookie } from './utils/cookies'

export async function middleware(request: NextRequest) {
  const response =

  const encodedNextAuthCookie = request.cookies.get('pb_auth')
  const decodedNextAuthCookie = encodedNextAuthCookie
    ? decodeNextCookie(encodedNextAuthCookie)
    : ''

  const pb = new PocketBase(URL)

  pb.authStore.onChange(() => {
    const { name, value } = encodePbCookie(pb.authStore.exportToCookie())

    response.cookies.set(name, value)


  return response

The sign in is being done on the client side. To do so I needed to set the auth cookie (by default auth token is stored in local storaged)

useEffect(() => {
    pb.authStore.onChange(() => {
      document.cookie = pb.authStore.exportToCookie({ httpOnly: false })
      setUser(pb.authStore.model as User)
  }, [])

1 Reply

@Alaska pollock Is it possible to pass data from middleware to server components in any convinent way, other than using headers? In my case I need to pass a pocketbase sdk instance created in the middleware *(need to access auth cookie)* and pass it to the server components without need to recreate the same instance. Here is my code: middleware.ts: javascript import { NextRequest, NextResponse } from 'next/server' import PocketBase from 'pocketbase' import { URL } from './lib/pocketbase' import { decodeNextCookie, encodePbCookie } from './utils/cookies' export async function middleware(request: NextRequest) { const response = const encodedNextAuthCookie = request.cookies.get('pb_auth') const decodedNextAuthCookie = encodedNextAuthCookie ? decodeNextCookie(encodedNextAuthCookie) : '' const pb = new PocketBase(URL) pb.authStore.loadFromCookie(decodedNextAuthCookie) pb.authStore.onChange(() => { const { name, value } = encodePbCookie(pb.authStore.exportToCookie()) response.cookies.set(name, value) }) console.log(pb.authStore) return response } The sign in is being done on the client side. To do so I needed to set the auth cookie (*by default auth token is stored in local storaged*) javascript useEffect(() => { pb.authStore.onChange(() => { document.cookie = pb.authStore.exportToCookie({ httpOnly: false }) setUser(pb.authStore.model as User) }) }, [])
no, we can't.
their readme show how to integrate pb to nextjs

we gotta re-create the instance with the cookies.
and I think its better to handle authentication on the server side and set the httponly cookies afterward