How to pass props to children?
Somali posted this in #help-forum
Good afternoon. I have a question about building what seems like such a thing as a modal in Nex.
The project has several modal windows, to implement them I use radix-ui prmitives
My idea is to create a Modal component and inside it pass any content through children, that is, overlay, the close button is the same for all modals.
The component itself looks like this:
The opening and closing logic is implemented by radix itself, but I can also control the opening state through useState.
I also have a Button component
Here the idea is that if there is a prop modalContent (And this is ReactElement), then I create a dialog trigger, which is shown in the Modal composition, inside which the dialog content is thrown through the children
It's used roughly like this.
I need all these wrappers, etc. only because the content in the modal can be a server component in which I need to receive data from the backend.
Perhaps I have complicated the structure too much, but I don’t know what other options there are.
Button - client comp
Modal - client comp
modalContent - server comp
Ideally, I would like the button component, based on some triggers, to be able to open a modal window with any content that I pass to it outside or inside.
The current solution certainly works, but it’s inconvenient, since I can’t call any closeAllMOdals method or close the current modal inside the component. To do this, I need to make the Modal component manageable, but since the Modal content is children, I can’t put open state props into it
I found a solution to how to pass props to children through React.CloneElement, but since I pass the componenet to <Button>, I have an error saying that Children object is not iterable or something like that.
Can you give me some tips for implementation?
The project has several modal windows, to implement them I use radix-ui prmitives
My idea is to create a Modal component and inside it pass any content through children, that is, overlay, the close button is the same for all modals.
The component itself looks like this:
The opening and closing logic is implemented by radix itself, but I can also control the opening state through useState.
I also have a Button component
Here the idea is that if there is a prop modalContent (And this is ReactElement), then I create a dialog trigger, which is shown in the Modal composition, inside which the dialog content is thrown through the children
It's used roughly like this.
<Button modalContent={<MainFormServer />}>
I need all these wrappers, etc. only because the content in the modal can be a server component in which I need to receive data from the backend.
Perhaps I have complicated the structure too much, but I don’t know what other options there are.
Button - client comp
Modal - client comp
modalContent - server comp
Ideally, I would like the button component, based on some triggers, to be able to open a modal window with any content that I pass to it outside or inside.
The current solution certainly works, but it’s inconvenient, since I can’t call any closeAllMOdals method or close the current modal inside the component. To do this, I need to make the Modal component manageable, but since the Modal content is children, I can’t put open state props into it
I found a solution to how to pass props to children through React.CloneElement, but since I pass the componenet to <Button>, I have an error saying that Children object is not iterable or something like that.
Can you give me some tips for implementation?
Answered by Marchy
This sounds like a good use-case for the context api and a custom hook
You might also want to look at the parallel routes example, depending on what this will be used for
You might also want to look at the parallel routes example, depending on what this will be used for
5 Replies
export const Button = ({
}) => {
if (modalContent) {
return (
<Dialog.Trigger asChild>
className={buttonStyles({ intent, size, className })}
} else if (props.href) {
return (
className={buttonStyles({ intent, size, className })}
} else {
return (
className={buttonStyles({ intent, size, className })}
'use client';
import React, { useState } from 'react';
import * as Dialog from '@radix-ui/react-dialog';
import XClose from '/public/icons/x-close.svg';
export const Modal = ({ children }) => {
return (
<Dialog.Overlay className="DialogOverlay">
<Dialog.Close asChild>
<XClose />
<Dialog.Content className="DialogContent overflow-auto">
This sounds like a good use-case for the context api and a custom hook
You might also want to look at the parallel routes example, depending on what this will be used for
You might also want to look at the parallel routes example, depending on what this will be used for
@Marchy This sounds like a good use-case for the context api and a custom hook
You might also want to look at the parallel routes example, depending on what this will be used for
hmm, context api with <Dialog> comp inside?
Sure. You could set the open/close state and the content as needed
@Marchy Sure. You could set the open/close state and the content as needed
yes, that is good solution, thank you