use discord.js in app directory
Chinese perch posted this in #help-forum

Chinese perchOP
Getting a guild from the Client instance. Tried getServerSideProp and getStaticProp but both of them doesn't work with the app directory. Can someone help me with this?
export default async function GuildPage({
params: { guildId },
}: {
params: { guildId: string };
}) {
const data = await Guild.findOne({ guildId });
if (!data) return <Container>Guild not found!</Container>;
// issue is here:
const guild = discordClient.guilds.cache.get(data.guildId);
return <Container>test</Container>;
22 Replies

Chinese perchOP
The "data fetching" docs sounds pretty confusing

import { notFound } from "next/navigation";
export default async function GuildPage({
params: { guildId },
}: {
params: { guildId: string };
}) {
const data = await Guild.findOne({ guildId });
if (!data) notFound();
// issue is here:
const guild = discordClient.guilds.cache.get(data.guildId);
return <Container>test</Container>;
try this

Chinese perchOP
// issue is here:
const guild = discordClient.guilds.cache.get(data.guildId);

what issue

Chinese perchOP
Module not found: Can't resolve 'zlib-sync'
I went to that link, but it was pretty confusing for me, the code isn't async or anything

npm i zlib-sync
Chinese perchOP
it should be installed when i installed discord.js

Chinese perchOP
Module parse failed: Unexpected character '�' (1:2)
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type, currently no loaders are configured to process this file. See
(Source code omitted for this binary file)

@Ray Click to see attachment

Chinese perchOP
I don't use that
there are no uses of websockets in my code

im confused why you want that tho... nextjs is desinged for serverless (process only short lived) so i kinda don't see how it would work well

you can use the raw api good tho (ie @discordjs/rest)

@risky you can use the raw api good tho (ie @discordjs/rest)

Chinese perchOP
"use server";
import discordClient from "@/client";
import { notFound } from "next/navigation";
export async function GET(
request: Request,
{ params }: { params: { guildId: string } }
) {
const guild = discordClient.guilds.cache.get(params.guildId);
if (!guild) return notFound();
return Response.json({ guildId: params.guildId });
Ended up using route, I still have the exact same problem despite removing this from the page i showed earlier
but yes imma look into the api

so what exactly do you want with discord.js
just fetching?
if so, i think the discordjs fetch wrapper and unstable_cache may be good (if you want it cached)

Chinese perchOP
hm ill use @discordjs/rest

@Chinese perch hm ill use @discordjs/rest

can i ask how did your adventures go, did things work out well, or more questions to help you support this?

@risky can i ask how did your adventures go, did things work out well, or more questions to help you support this?

Chinese perchOP
Yep. This way doesn't need the bot to be logged in from the dashboard backend itself, so it's a win I'd say.
in my api route:
import { REST } from "@discordjs/rest";
const discordRest = new REST({ version: "10" }).setToken(
export default discordRest;
in my api route:
const guild = (await discordRest.get(
)) as Guild;