Deploying node_modules to IIS
timvd7652 posted this in #help-forum

I've succesfully deployed my Nextjs application on an IIS application (so root/subapplication). I do have some issues however. The way I currently deploy the application is by running
`| .next
Does anyone have any experience with this? I'd love to hear some ideas or suggestions.
next build
and copying the build output (the .next
folder) to the build folder that the IIS application looks at. Currently I also copy the nodemodules and a custom web.config and server.js to the build folder. An iisnode
folder is then later added by IISNode. So the folder looks like this: |next-build
`| .next
|_ nodemodules
| web.config
| server.js
| iisnode**The problem:**
When I add CI/CD into the mix, running a pipeline on our Azure Devops server, building an artifact and placing the artifact in build folder, the node_modules don't get updated. I know that
Nextjshas a
standaloneoutput that includes the
node_modulesin the build but that version doesn't work as it can't find the node_module (issue has been addressed on the Vercel forums).
Surely there must be another way to add the node_modules automatically. I've been thinking about adding the possibility of adding a script to the staging area that run a yarn install when done. I don't know if this is possible as I've very little experience with Azure Devops. This would then require me to add the
package.json` instead.Does anyone have any experience with this? I'd love to hear some ideas or suggestions.
1 Reply

This is the error I get when I publish without node_modules, but with using yarn install in my pipeline: