Soft Navigation stopped working & Hydration error
ncls. posted this in #help-forum
my app recently just stopped taking advantage of soft navigation but rather reloads the whole page every time and I don't know why. Could the hydration error be the issue?
I added a dark mode using [next-themes]( and the toggle causes a hydration error because the SVG inside is not the same in dark mode but the server expects the icon that's shown in light mode. Adding
This is my theme toggle:
my app recently just stopped taking advantage of soft navigation but rather reloads the whole page every time and I don't know why. Could the hydration error be the issue?
I added a dark mode using [next-themes]( and the toggle causes a hydration error because the SVG inside is not the same in dark mode but the server expects the icon that's shown in light mode. Adding
to the HTML does not work.This is my theme toggle:
icon={resolvedTheme === 'dark' ? <LuMoon size={24} /> : <LuSun size={24} />}
onClick={() => setTheme(oppositeTheme)}
component:<button type={type} className={twMerge(baseStyle, className)} disabled={disabled} onClick={onClick}>
Answered by ncls.
The issue was that I didn't have a root layout but rather a couple small layouts.
1 Reply
The issue was that I didn't have a root layout but rather a couple small layouts.