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Best way to implement a form that spans multiple pages with the app router

Dwarf Hotot posted this in #help-forum
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Dwarf HototOP
I want to create a set of pages that make a singe form flow with multiple options for a user to choose each page, with the general layout shown in the adjusted drawing.

My main question is, what would be the best / most efficient implementation for something like this, at least on the routing side.
I already know I could implement a
since all pages have the exact same background. But since they also have the exact same composition, AND, I have to keep track and save in my database the options chosen, I'm not really sure how to do it.

My first thoughts were to use "catch-all" dynamic routing, but that would make all the pages accessible when they should only be one after the other in the correct order.

And since what actually changes in the page of each page is just two spans and a few components, maybe there is a way to implement all of this in the same page.

I'm very new to webdev and Next.js in general, so sorry if it's a dumb question.
Thanks for the help in advance.
Answered by Marchy
This would probably be a good case for parallel routes
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2 Replies

This would probably be a good case for parallel routes
Dwarf HototOP
Checking it out, thanks a lot!