next-pwa question
Transvaal lion posted this in #help-forum
Transvaal lionOP
hey folks,
i'm using
i have one question, tried to google it but so far i haven't found concrete answer to this one, is there a way to redirect user from any other app / chrome or safari to the PWA if it is installed already?
example is, you are browsing twitter on your phone and you stumble upon a link of my app, if you have PWA installed, that link should open up in the PWA instead of browser
EDIT: i have found this source but it looks like it is deprecated
i'm using
package to set up standalone PWA and everything works great so far!i have one question, tried to google it but so far i haven't found concrete answer to this one, is there a way to redirect user from any other app / chrome or safari to the PWA if it is installed already?
example is, you are browsing twitter on your phone and you stumble upon a link of my app, if you have PWA installed, that link should open up in the PWA instead of browser
EDIT: i have found this source but it looks like it is deprecated
3 Replies
Transvaal lionOP
bumping this boi, anyone?
Nile perch
I believe "deep-linking" is the terminology you are looking for here, and looks like it varies quite a bit.
Is next-pwa working alright for you? I ended up just making service worker of my own.
Is next-pwa working alright for you? I ended up just making service worker of my own.
Transvaal lionOP
yup, you are correct! deep-linking is something i have been researching on, but so far i haven't found 100% solution
deep-linking is more or less supported on android devices, while on iOS there isn't support at all for now. therefore i'm prolly gonna ditch this for now. and yeah, next-pwa is working nicely for now!
deep-linking is more or less supported on android devices, while on iOS there isn't support at all for now. therefore i'm prolly gonna ditch this for now. and yeah, next-pwa is working nicely for now!