Next.js Discord

Discord Forum

og image

charcoal posted this in #help-forum
Open in Discord
okay so i have an og image that i'd like to show in rich embeds. using discord as an example, when i send a link it'll use the main image section and not the thumbnail section in the embed. my image is 300x300 and ive set that in the images section of the page metadata too. nothing i do changes the image (and yes it's not a caching issue). any ideas?
Answered by charcoal
found the issue: i wasn't specifying the twitter section so the twitter:card field defaulted to summary_large_image instead of summary which caused discord to use the large image over the thumbnail image.
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found the issue: i wasn't specifying the twitter section so the twitter:card field defaulted to summary_large_image instead of summary which caused discord to use the large image over the thumbnail image.