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Visualize different cache interactions

Barbary Lion posted this in #help-forum
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Barbary LionOP
Hi. Is it possible in NextJS to see a complete logging with request memoization infos, whether a given fetch was a HIT, or MISS, or SET. Also get infos on the Router Cache etc, since the theory looks very good when reading the docs, I want to leverage all of this in my app

4 Replies

Barbary LionOP
For request memoization, since I am using AWS services, the fetch request is signed so the headers are different each time. That's why I would like to verify if the requests are memoized, and if the data is cached
Barbary LionOP
To follow up a little, I switched to using unstable_cache and it works great
This is a nice blog post exlaining the gotchas of unstable_cache