Next.js Discord

Discord Forum

Fetching data

Shaurya posted this in #help-forum
Open in Discord
export function Stats() {
  const [totalGuilds, setTotalGuilds] = useState("N/A")

  useEffect(() => {
    async function getGuilds() {
      const guilds = await getTotalGuilds()

  }, [])

  return (
    <div className={styles.stats}>
export async function getTotalGuilds() {
  const token = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_BOT_TOKEN

  if (!token) return "N/A"

  const guildsEndpoint = `${dapi}/users/@me/guilds`

  const response = await fetch(guildsEndpoint, {
    headers: {
      Authorization: `Bot ${token}`

  const guilds = await response.json() as Guild[] | undefined
  const totalGuilds = guilds ? guilds.length.toString() : "N/A"

  return totalGuilds
This works okay but I get the error
GET 429 (Too Many Requests)
but I'm fetching only once? how is it repeating?
Answered by joulev
server component, or [route handler](, or your separate backend, etc basically anywhere that is not in the browser
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9 Replies

idk what's the answer to your question, but bot tokens are secrets so do not expose them to the browser by using NEXT_PUBLIC
instead make authenticated server-side api routes instead, and use the bot token there
and fetch that api route from your frontend
can you link me the docs please if that's not what you meant
@Shaurya do you mean making it a server component?
server component, or [route handler](, or your separate backend, etc basically anywhere that is not in the browser
@joulev server component, or [route handler](, or your separate backend, etc basically anywhere that is not in the browser
export default async function Stats() {
  const data = await getTotalGuilds()

  return (
    <div className={styles.stats}>
export async function getTotalGuilds() {
  const token = process.env.BOT_TOKEN

  if (!token) return "N/A"

  const response = await fetch(`${dapi}/users/@me/guilds`, {
    headers: {
      Authorization: `Bot ${token}`

  const guilds = await response.json() as Guild[] | undefined
  const totalGuilds = Array.isArray(guilds) ? guilds.length.toString() : "N/A"

  return totalGuilds
it's working good rn, not getting the too many requests error
this one is safe right? got rid of the NEXT_PUBLIC
yes that is safe