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Error message while pushing commit

bobonlan posted this in #help-forum
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Getting this error when trying to push my first commit from my laptop. It confused me because I don't recall having to do this on my desktop.
Answered by dumbboy
This happens because, you are not logged in to your remote github in your local cli
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This happens because, you are not logged in to your remote github in your local cli
You can Configure email and name. and while pushing it will ask you for creds and it will store it in your system for future transactions.
U can use this commands:
git config --global "John Doe"
git config --global
Don't forgot to change name and email
will the name and email have to match whatever i did on my desktop?
IG No, but it would be nice
i didnt remember doing it on there but i guess i must have
oh okay
when you will try to push(to remote github) after these commands, it will ask you to login If I'm not wrong
it worked, thank you