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redirect config for certain slugs

Masai Lion posted this in #help-forum
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Masai LionOP
Hi all, I can't quite figure out why my next.config.js redirects aren't working 😅. I'm forwarding old blog post URLs to the new URL but need to ignore any trailing /amp.
Basically '/old/blog-slug' and '/old/blog-slug/amp' both to '/new/blog-slug'. Unfortunately, I also have a handful of special cases which go to various other places. To deal with these cases, I'm using regex but it seems to mess up the overall redirecting?

Here's what my next.config.js currently looks like this:
async redirects() {
    return [
      { // redirect old/manual-one
        source: '/old/:path(manual-one.*)',
        destination: '/other/manual-one',
        permanent: true,
      { // redirect old/manual-two
        source: '/old/:path(manual-two.*)',
        destination: '/special/manual-two',
        permanent: true,
      { // redirect old/blog-slug/amp
        source: '/old/:path((?!manual-one.*|manual-two.*).*)/amp',
        destination: '/new/manual-one',
        permanent: true,
      { // redirect old/blog-slug
        source: '/old/:path((?!manual-one.*|manual-two.*).*)',
        destination: '/new/blog-slug',
        permanent: true,

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