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Add Google Analytics to Vercel

Manchester Terrier posted this in #help-forum
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Manchester TerrierOP
How can I add google analytics tag for seperate domains?
for instance i have .nl and .uk both have their own GA.

8 Replies

Why not use Vercel Web analytics?
Manchester TerrierOP
i am using that but my company wants google analytics
Hmm im not sure myself since i havent tried.

Vercel did have a example on how to do Google Analytics integration with Pages router but im not sure if they updated to App router.
Manchester TerrierOP
i am using pages rout currently
Manchester TerrierOP
well i have it in my _app already but thats not what i was looking for. The problem is I have 1 code base for both .nl and .uk domains using i18n for translation. However now i need to split the data to render only analytics for .nl and analytics for .uk
so 1 project 2 domains instead of 2 projects 2 domains
Hey, did you find the solution