Third-party script loading, document.write warning
Blue swimming crab posted this in #help-forum
Blue swimming crabOP
When I‘m loading a third-party script, I‘m getting the following warning:
12 Replies
Blue swimming crabOP
you shouldn't really be using 3rd party scripts that can mess with the dom with react because it can confuse both parties
what is this plugin?
Blue swimming crabOP
It‘s an external script from a partner
I need this script
and are you using next.js?
Blue swimming crabOP
and how are you importing this script
Blue swimming crabOP
With the script implementation from Next.js
I‘ve added the script in a component. It will be loaded, but then the warnings are still existing, because I think the script will load another script
something in your script is doing something... idk if your partner is expecting this to work in nextjs/react tho
@Blue swimming crab i would say that you should ask your partner if it should work with react...