NextAuth Build Error with App dir
Japanese flying squid posted this in #help-forum

Japanese flying squidOP
The code bellow is running fine in development server, But when I tried to build the app it fails to build, Snapshot of error on the second code block. is anyone know how to fix this?
NextAuth API Handler
NextAuth API Handler
import { api } from "@CHECKPOINT/convex/_generated/api";
import { ConvexHttpClient } from "convex/browser";
import NextAuth, { type AuthOptions } from "next-auth";
import GoogleProvider from "next-auth/providers/google";
const convex = new ConvexHttpClient(process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_CONVEX_URL);
export const authOptions: AuthOptions = {
secret: process.env.NEXTAUTH_SECRET,
providers: [
clientId: process.env.GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID,
clientSecret: process.env.GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET,
authorization: { params: { access_type: "offline", prompt: "consent" } },
callbacks: {
jwt: async ({ token, account }) => {
if (account?.id_token) token.id_token = account.id_token;
if (account?.refresh_token) token.refresh_token = account.refresh_token;
return token;
signIn: async ({ profile, account }) => {
const user = await convex.query(api.contents.users.queries.unique, {
email: String(profile?.email),
if (user) return true;
switch (account?.provider) {
case "google": {
await convex.mutation(api.contents.users.mutations.create, {
email: String(profile?.email),
image: String(profile?.picture),
name: {
family: String(profile?.family_name),
given: String(profile?.given_name),
return true;
session: async ({ session }) => {
return session;
export const handler = NextAuth(authOptions);
export { handler as GET, handler as POST };
PS C:\Users\Admin\Documents\@career\workspace\repositories\xyz> pnpm build
> checkpoint@0.1.0 build C:\Users\Admin\Documents\@career\workspace\repositories\xyz
> next build
✓ Creating an optimized production build
✓ Compiled successfully
Linting and checking validity of types .Failed to compile.
Type error: Type 'OmitWithTag<typeof import("C:/Users/Admin/Documents/@career/workspace/repositories/xyz/app/api/auth/[...nextauth]/route"), "GET" | "POST" | "PUT" | "DELETE" | "OPTIONS" | "PATCH" | ... 9 more ... | "HEAD", "">' does not satisfy the constraint '{ [x: string]: never; }'.
Property 'authOptions' is incompatible with index signature.
Type 'AuthOptions' is not assignable to type 'never'.
6 |
7 | // Check that the entry is a valid entry
> 8 | checkFields<Diff<{
| ^
9 | GET?: Function
10 | HEAD?: Function
11 | OPTIONS?: Function
 ELIFECYCLE  Command failed with exit code 1.
3 Replies

you can only export certain things from route handlers;
isn't one of them
@joulev you can only export certain things from route handlers; `authOptions` isn't one of them

Japanese flying squidOP
It works! Thank you ðŸ™