Stale data issue
American Pipit posted this in #help-forum
American PipitOP
I have a path
As I wrote - I am revalidating both tag and path, and yet, when using
that has a <Link />
which sends you to /employer/create
. In employer/create
I have a form that calls a server action: export async function createEmployer(formData: FormData) {
'use server';
const {
data: { user },
} = await supabase.auth.getUser();
const userId = user?.id;
const name = formData.get('name');
const description = formData.get('description');
if (!name || !description || !userId)
throw new Error('Missing required fields');
const { error } = await supabase.from('employers').insert({
name: name?.toString(),
description: description?.toString(),
user_id: userId?.toString(),
if (error) throw new Error(error.message);
As I wrote - I am revalidating both tag and path, and yet, when using
, it still shows the old (cached) data. What's weird to me here is that when I manually enter the URL (/employer/create
) and then hit create, it shows the new data, I suppose because there is nothing cached yet. I am using unstable_cache
inside of my component: const employers = await unstable_cache(
async () => {
const { data, error } = await supabase
.eq('user_id', user?.id);
if (error) throw error;
return data;
tags: ['employers'],
revalidate: 20,
5 Replies
American PipitOP
Also, when recreating this problem in another project, it doesn't seem to have any issues revalidating, even without using
, just with the path.Eric Burel
First did you update Next?
Eric Burel
it's experimental and there had been severe bugs for a while (and may be in the future)
American PipitOP
I updated it and it works.
Thanks, I've been having this issue for a while