Is there a way to change the url image is served at?
Blanc de Hotot posted this in #help-forum
Blanc de HototOP
Right now the url of the image is
is there a way i can serve images at a static route link
is there a way i can serve images at a static route link
10 Replies
@Blanc de Hotot Right now the url of the image is `http://localhost:3000/_next/static/media/<img_file_name>.<token>.<extension>`
is there a way i can serve images at a static route link `http://localhost:3000/<img_file_name>.<extension>`
if you are using
then no because next image performs certain optimization, if you the results you expect, put the images in public
folder and access them at /
@Yi Lon Ma if you are using `next/image` then no because next image performs certain optimization, if you the results you expect, put the images in `public` folder and access them at `/`
Blanc de HototOP
this code just gives not found error for the path... in this case
@Yi Lon Ma remove `.next` folder and restart
Blanc de HototOP
same thing still
should there be something different in my
folder is made by nextjs itselfI've never even looked into it
@Blanc de Hotot same thing still
move the
folder outside src
in your project's root
Blanc de HototOP
thank you so much for your help that was the problem