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Is /_next/image?url=/myimage.png broken in Production AWS Amplify?

West African Lion posted this in #help-forum
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West African LionOP
I have broken images in production since latest next.js upgrade.

<img alt="silver car" fetchpriority="high" width="760" height="380" decoding="async" data-nimg="1" srcset="/_next/image?url=%2FSilver_Car_760_380.png&amp;w=828&amp;q=75 1x, /_next/image?url=%2FSilver_Car_760_380.png&amp;w=1920&amp;q=75 2x" src="/_next/image?url=%2FSilver_Car_760_380.png&amp;w=1920&amp;q=75" style="">

returns a 404 error

even though the image is present at root

code runs perfectly in dev Localhost:3000

import Image from 'next/image'

export default function Home() {
return (
<main className="my-Main">
<div className="items-center relative">
alt="silver car"
Answered by West African Lion
I have found the cause:
Amplify does not support Next.js beyond 13.4.11 version beyond that do not have support for image rendering.
So it seems to be an AWS issue that they intend to release a fix for in the next week.
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10 Replies

West African LionOP
@European sprat how's this info?
West African LionOP
I do not understand why this channel (next.js) asks for reproduction repos, no where else asks for access to a repo and expects to have it publicly available.

this is very inhibiting behaviour for people to get support, seriously avoids questions be asked, and working through the situation.

My issue is very simple, images get a 404 error, next.js in Amplify is failing all of a sudden following a next.js release.
European sprat
You didn't provide any info about your problem that could allow anyone to help you
How do you expect people to help if you don't take the time to explain the issue, share your code and what the problem is?
i don't know what kind of magic other servers use to be able to answer questions without sufficient information, but here we don't have such magic. we don't always require a reproduction repository, but we need enough information to be able to give an answer with high confidence. when the above bot message is sent, that means someone considers the question to lack sufficient information to give help. and in this case, since that someone is a &1068094616626286692, it's very likely no one will be able to get an answer to your question if you don't add more information.
sure, it doesn't work for you, but we need a way to get it to not work for us too. since you don't give us any info to do that, no one here can help and you are by yourself
you make the call whether to include more information or not
West African LionOP
reproduction repo is a mandatory requirement to log an issue. This is what any other applications donot require as mandatory.
West African LionOP
I have found the cause:
Amplify does not support Next.js beyond 13.4.11 version beyond that do not have support for image rendering.
So it seems to be an AWS issue that they intend to release a fix for in the next week.
West African LionOP
I asked a very simple question:
Is /_next/image?url=/myimage.png broken in Production AWS Amplify?
I did not ask for help fixing it I did not ask for a setup, I just asked if anyone knew of any such issue at which point I would have asked where I might find some dialogue on the issue.

I think my approach is far lees complex that you make it out to be.
So next time feel free to read question more carefully.
I am sorry it did not match with your way of fault finding, in what is just a "Help Forum", and not a ticketing system.