How to use tailwind elements with nextjs?
Weevil parasitoid posted this in #help-forum
Weevil parasitoidOP
has anyone used tailwind elements? I want to use it with nextjs with javascript but it doesn't work. I wan to add a navbar and here is my code
I tried the example give in the official documentation and it works . When i use this code i get the error "TypeError: Navbar is not a constructor"
Also this the navbar code from tailwind elements follows this code
const NavBarv2 = () => {
useEffect(() => {
const init = async () => {
const {Navbar, Input, initTE, Dropdown, Collapse} = await import("tw-elements");
const myNavbar = new Navbar(
initTE({ Collapse, Dropdown });
}, []);
I tried the example give in the official documentation and it works . When i use this code i get the error "TypeError: Navbar is not a constructor"
Also this the navbar code from tailwind elements follows this code