About metadata
Gouty oak gall posted this in #help-forum
Gouty oak gallOP
I'm creating tests with JEST but i got this problem with Metadata (error on the print)
when i run: "test:coverage": "jest --coverage --collectCoverageFrom='src///*/.{ts,jxs,tsx}'"
What's the workaround to this?
when i run: "test:coverage": "jest --coverage --collectCoverageFrom='src///*/.{ts,jxs,tsx}'"
What's the workaround to this?
Answered by Hunter Bertoson
Appears this actually a known issue. https://github.com/vercel/next.js/issues/47299
7 Replies
Appears this actually a known issue. https://github.com/vercel/next.js/issues/47299
Gouty oak gallOP
Yes, but im wondering if theres a workaroung for it
Gouty oak gallOP
i did that, but with test:coverage still shows the problem
Honestly not sure. Might comment on that issue and state what you have done and what you are running when the issue happens.
Gouty oak gallOP