protected routes with middleware
Sun bear posted this in #help-forum

Sun bearOP
I want to protect routes based on user is authenticated and not and also isAdmin attrubute. i have middleware.ts file:
import { NextRequest, NextResponse } from "next/server";
import { match } from "@formatjs/intl-localematcher";
import Negotiator from "negotiator";
import { defaultLocale, locales } from "./locals";
function getLocale(request: NextRequest) {
const headers = new Headers(request.headers);
const acceptLanguage = headers.get("accept-language");
if (acceptLanguage) {
headers.set("accept-language", acceptLanguage.replaceAll("_", "-"));
const headersObject = Object.fromEntries(headers.entries());
const languages = new Negotiator({
headers: headersObject,
return match(languages, locales, defaultLocale);
export function middleware(request: NextRequest) {
const pathname = request.nextUrl.pathname;
const pathnameIsMissingLocale = locales.every(
(locale) => !pathname.startsWith(`/${locale}/`) && pathname !== `/${locale}`
if (pathnameIsMissingLocale) {
const locale = getLocale(request);
return NextResponse.redirect(
new URL(`/${locale}/${pathname}`, request.url)
export const config = {
matcher: ["/((?!_next|api|favicon.ico).*)"],