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Discord Forum connection + Next12 + Vercel

Cinnamon posted this in #help-forum
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Hello dear members of this server,

Coming here looking for help to resolve a problem I am having which involves webRTC + Next12 +

I have created a simple project for video calls using PeerJS, which, locally works fine BUT once it is deployed into vercel (under https) for some reason the socket is never connected fails to stablish the connection.

When using transport, I got errors because something about Session ID is not defined, so, it means I need Sticky Sessions, I am not very familiar with this as BE is not my strong skill.
When using websockettransport, the connection to the socket is never happening. It only receives WebSocket connection to {insert_server_here} failed.

I am running out of ideas, I have changed the transports, the cors, generate custom id, etc, and nothing is working so far.

This is my repo where you can see the code. The only problem (i guess) is inside the src/pages/api/socketio.ts or maybe it is something with vercel?

This is the repo I've created where you can see the code

Any help will be apreciated 😁
Answered by baked
You can’t deploy websockets to vercel. Websockets require a serverful environment and vercel is entirely serverless
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3 Replies

You can’t deploy websockets to vercel. Websockets require a serverful environment and vercel is entirely serverless
Thanks @baked for your answer :thank_you:

Interesting... so that means I cannot use websockets transport option of, but, what about polling transport? Is the same situation?

If that is the case then I have to find a different way to deploy the project 🤔
The polling transport is also stateful afaik so that also won’t work. You can either deploy somewhere else or decouple the websocket service from your frontend and host those separately