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NEXT_REDIRECT on middleware

Dovekie posted this in #help-forum
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Hello everyone, I have the following code:

export function middleware(request: NextRequest) {
    console.log('middleware run')
    const cookies = request.cookies.getAll()
    // return

As it says in the title, I'm getting a "NEXT_REDIRECT" error on my middleware when the user is not authenticated.

I would expect to get redirected to the URL I specificied instead.

Any ideas why this is happening ?
Answered by Asian black bear
redirect is not meant to be called in the middleware. Use NextResponse.redirect instead.
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6 Replies

Asian black bear
redirect is not meant to be called in the middleware. Use NextResponse.redirect instead.
Asian black bear
The docs have examples and notes on that specifically
I see, I was looking at the docs for hours and I didn't see it getting mentioned

Is there a chance you remember where it is off top of your head ?
Asian black bear
That page doesn't mention the middleware for one. Also you should read the actual middleware docs.
Copy that, will do
Thanks for the help!