I'm trying to show an overlay when the navigation is delayed too much
martinmunilla posted this in #help-forum

When I use slow 3g or even fast 3g some times navigating takes too long, when this happen I want to be able to show an overlay with some loading feedback.
I know in svelte-kit this could be achieved doing something like this https://www.ratamero.com/blog/showing-a-loading-spinner-when-navigation-is-delayed-in-sveltekit
But I'm not quite sure how to do it in next given that there is no hook or anything giving me information about when navigation is happening
I know in svelte-kit this could be achieved doing something like this https://www.ratamero.com/blog/showing-a-loading-spinner-when-navigation-is-delayed-in-sveltekit
But I'm not quite sure how to do it in next given that there is no hook or anything giving me information about when navigation is happening
1 Reply

Polar bear
It's hacky, but you could add handlers on your navigation components (swipe, button-click, etc) that sets the page to a spinner (I particularly like the Material UI spinner) or somesuch until the next page renders