passing data from form to "use server"
American Shorthair posted this in #help-forum
American ShorthairOP
How can i pass custom data from form to the server action
10 Replies
@American Shorthair How can i pass custom data from form to the server action
American ShorthairOP
i want to pass that
so i can add it to the cookies in the server action
ping when reply please
@American Shorthair with the code you show, you can add:
in your form
<input name='guildId' value={} type='hidden' />
in your form
you should see it in your console.log
there is also a quicker way
<button name='guildId' value={} type='submit' />
American ShorthairOP
Thanks alot
100% legit too when you want to attach a value to an action button
American ShorthairOP
So anyone can just use this to use my server action?