revalidate and no cache does not work?
Waterman posted this in #help-forum
Hello, I want a way of displaying my products that are being fetched from my database, the problem though is that they are not being displayed live when i update the database details, for example if I make a new product, it does not show the new product once I have rebuilt the whole app, even though I have:
I will paste the code below:
cache: "no-cache",
next: { revalidate: 30 },
I will paste the code below:
const products = await fetch(`${process.env.HOST}/api/products`, {
cache: "no-cache",
next: { revalidate: 30 },
}).then((res) => res.json());
if (!products) {
return (
<div className="text-white w-full flex justify-center py-64 items-center">
<div>Laddar dina fantastiska tavlor</div>
return (
<div className="w-full bg-[#111111] border-dotted border-[rgba(255,255,255,0.1)]">
<div className=" xl:border-x border-dashed border-[rgba(255,255,255,0.1)] p-4">
<div className="flex md:flex-row flex-wrap py-10">
{ ProductProps["product"], index: number) => (
<Product product={item} index={index} key={index} />
Answered by Waterman
so i just got it to work, the way I did it was: setting a cookie, and deleting it, which for some reason forces it to revalidate, I am going to send my code here in my api route and I think it was the cookie thing I added to make it work:
import { NextRequest, NextResponse } from "next/server";
import { mongooseConnect } from "../../lib/mongoose";
import { Produkt } from "../../../models/products";
import { revalidatePath } from "next/cache";
import { cookies } from "next/headers";
export const GET = async (req: NextRequest, res: Response) => {
name: "name",
value: "trigger",
httpOnly: true,
path: "/",
await mongooseConnect();
const path = "/butik";
return NextResponse.json(await Produkt.find());
8 Replies
the website is
where the products is supposed to be updated live, and note that the page I am showing above is not marked with 'use client'
European sprat
You might be able to make it work using revalidatePath to force a refresh of the page that lists the products
But also see here
probably this is due to the [Router Cache](
I tried revalidatePath in my /api/products, the path I tried to revalidate using revalidatePath was: "/", "/butik", "api/products". Butik is where my products are being shown and the api/products is where the products are being loaded. but I can't get this to work either way, is there anything else I can try?
I just don't really understand alll the docs and they confuse me a little bit of what I should use so I would really appreciate some more example you think can work.
here is the code I used when using revalidatePath in my /api/products:
I just don't really understand alll the docs and they confuse me a little bit of what I should use so I would really appreciate some more example you think can work.
here is the code I used when using revalidatePath in my /api/products:
import { NextRequest, NextResponse } from 'next/server';
import { mongooseConnect } from '../../lib/mongoose';
import { Produkt } from '../../../models/products';
import { revalidatePath } from 'next/cache';
export const GET = async (req: NextRequest, res: Response) => {
await mongooseConnect();
const path = '/';
return NextResponse.json(await Produkt.find());
so i just got it to work, the way I did it was: setting a cookie, and deleting it, which for some reason forces it to revalidate, I am going to send my code here in my api route and I think it was the cookie thing I added to make it work:
import { NextRequest, NextResponse } from "next/server";
import { mongooseConnect } from "../../lib/mongoose";
import { Produkt } from "../../../models/products";
import { revalidatePath } from "next/cache";
import { cookies } from "next/headers";
export const GET = async (req: NextRequest, res: Response) => {
name: "name",
value: "trigger",
httpOnly: true,
path: "/",
await mongooseConnect();
const path = "/butik";
return NextResponse.json(await Produkt.find());
and the parts of the page file:
const products = await fetch(`${process.env.HOST}/api/products`, {
cache: 'no-store',
}).then((res) => res.json());
//at the end of the file:
export const dynamic = 'force-dynamic';
export const revalidate = 0;
//^^^^^I don't think that matter though