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Need Help revalidateTag and revalidatePath functions

Cuvier’s Dwarf Caiman posted this in #help-forum
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Cuvier’s Dwarf CaimanOP
i use revalidateTag() and revalidatePath() function in server action its working properly in development but not working in production mode.... any one can know. How can i revalidate endpoints useing revalidateTag and revalidatePath

My server action code is like

export async function createCategoryAction(formData: FormData) {
const form = Object.fromEntries(formData)
const { id, categoryId, ...values } = createCategorySchema.parse(form)
let query = Object.create({});
query.create = Object.assign(Object.create({}), { ...values });
query.update = Object.assign(Object.create({}), { ...values });
query.where = Object.assign(Object.create({}), { id: id });
if (categoryId === 'undefined') {
query.update = Object.assign(Object.create({}), { ...values, parentCategory: { disconnect: true } });
} else if (categoryId) {
query.create = Object.assign(Object.create({}), { ...values, parentCategory: { connect: { id: categoryId } } });
query.update = Object.assign(Object.create({}), { ...values, parentCategory: { connect: { id: categoryId } } });
try {
await prisma.categories.upsert(query)
console.log("Create Or Updated Successfully 👍")
} catch (e) {
console.log("Something went wrong when Creating Or Updating with this error 👎")

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