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Infinite fetch loop on development server

Mini Satin posted this in #help-forum
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Mini SatinOP
I have a page that calls a server actions that does a fetch o a different route. While the route is compiling, it got like an infinite loop of requests. I think it only happens on the development server

This is my page

import { startCheckoutServerAction } from "@/app/checkout/actions/startCheckoutServerAction";
import StartOrder from "@/app/checkout/components/StartOrder";
import { searchParamsToQueryString } from "@/utils/pages/searchParams";

export default async function Page({
}: {
    searchParams: { [key: string]: string | string[] | undefined };
}) {
    const checkout = await startCheckoutServerAction(searchParamsToQueryString(searchParams));

    return <StartOrder checkout={checkout} />;

and this is the server action that makes the fetch operation

"use server";

export async function startCheckoutServerAction(queryString: string): Promise<StartCheckoutResponse> {
    const response = await fetch(`${currentBaseUrl()}/api/checkout/2023-07-17/start?${queryString}`, {
        cache: "no-cache",
    return await response.json();

3 Replies

Mini SatinOP
This is from the web perspective
European sprat
Show StartOrder component
Mini SatinOP
"use client";

import { setInitCookieAction } from "@/app/checkout/actions/setInitCookieAction";
import CheckoutLoading from "@/app/checkout/components/LoadingComponent";
import { useRouter } from "next/navigation";
import { useEffectOnce } from "usehooks-ts";

import {
} from "@/types/Checkout/startCheckout";

export default function StartOrder({ checkout }: { checkout: StartCheckoutResponse }) {
    const router = useRouter();

    useEffectOnce(() => {
        if ((checkout as StartCheckoutSuccessResponse).orderIdentifier != null) {
            const success = checkout as StartCheckoutSuccessResponse;
            setInitCookieAction(success).then(() =>
                router.push(`/checkout/order/${(checkout as StartCheckoutSuccessResponse).orderIdentifier}`)
        } else {
            const errorResponse = checkout as StartCheckoutErrorResponse;

    return <CheckoutLoading includeLayout={true} />;

and setInitCookieAction

"use server";

import { cookies } from "next/headers";

import { StartCheckoutSuccessResponse } from "@/types/Checkout/startCheckout";

export async function setInitCookieAction(response: StartCheckoutSuccessResponse) {
    const orderIdentifier = response.orderIdentifier;
    const clientSecret = response.clientSecret;
    cookies().set(`${orderIdentifier}.clientSecret`, clientSecret, {
        path: "/",
        secure: true,
        expires: new Date( + 60 * 60 * 1000 * 24),