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Fetching data in server component

Pacific anchoveta posted this in #help-forum
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Pacific anchovetaOP
Hi, everyone.

I'm trying to fetch data in my Footer.tsx component, which I use in my root layout file. I'm using the app dir. However, once I set my component to async, I get a TS error in my layout.tsx saying that " Type 'Promise<Element>' is not assignable to type 'ReactNode'."

Anyone got an idea what I'm doing wrong?
Answered by Rafael Almeida
you need to have at least TypeScript at 5.1.3 and @types/react at 18.2.8
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2 Replies

Rafael Almeida
you need to have at least TypeScript at 5.1.3 and @types/react at 18.2.8
Pacific anchovetaOP
Thank you 🙏