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How to do server fetching based on client state?

Cuban Crocodile posted this in #help-forum
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Cuban CrocodileOP
I have a select-component where I am populating the select-items based off of a fetch call on useEffect. I want to do server-component fetching based on this value. What is the best way to go about this from an architectural standpoint using Next?
Currently, I am setting the url-params based on the select value and fetching off-of that. This however, makes my server components return null when the select is being fetched.
Any advice?

7 Replies

fuma 💙 joulev
You can make the Select component a client component, then pass data from a server component.
Cuban CrocodileOP
Passing through props, right? How do I go about re-validating the result from the server components on select?
fuma 💙 joulev
Revalidating the data from server side? You can do it using the revalidate function or configuring revalidate options of fetch.
Cuban CrocodileOP
What I am confused with, is how I update the content dynamically based on the select. So when I select customer 1, I fetch data based on customer 1, as an example.
fuma 💙 joulev
In this case, it's better to fetch the data on the client side.
Cuban CrocodileOP
Okay, cool. I figured as well. The best way to go about this is still with useEffect as I understand, it just seems so clunky now that we have server components.
Siberian Flycatcher
What I am confused with, is how I update the content dynamically based on the select. So when I select customer 1, I fetch data based on customer 1, as an example.

You can move the state to the URL and fetch everything in the server component.

async function Page({ params }) {

  // Get customer list for select
  const customerList = await fetch("myapi/customer-lit");

  const { id } = params;

  // Get currently selected customer baed on params
  const selectedCustomer = await fetch(`myapi/customers/${id}`);

  return (
      {/** Selected customer info */}
      {/** ... */}
        { => (
          <option value={}>{}</option>


"use client"
import { router } from "next/navigation";

function SelectCustomer({ children }) {
  const router = useRouter();

  return (
    <select onChange={(e) => router.push(`/${}`)}>