UI Update when using server action
New Guinea Freshwater Crocodile posted this in #help-forum
New Guinea Freshwater CrocodileOP
I'm trying out RSC and want to trigger an overlay that says "Message Sent" when the form is sent.
I'm reading the docs but I'm a bit confused.
This is what I have so far and it works the email gets sent but not sure how to trigger an UI update.
I don't want to trigger a redirect since this is a static website with one page
I'm reading the docs but I'm a bit confused.
This is what I have so far and it works the email gets sent but not sure how to trigger an UI update.
I don't want to trigger a redirect since this is a static website with one page
import { FormInput } from './Input'
export default function Form() {
async function sendMessage(data) {
'use server'
const formDataObj = {}
for (let [name, value] of data.entries()) {
if (name === 'name' || name === 'email' || name === 'message') {
formDataObj[name] = value
return await sendSESMail(formDataObj)
return (
<form action={sendMessage} className='flex flex-col gap-4 z-2'>
label='Your Name'
placeholder='John Doe'
label='Your Email'
<label htmlFor='message' className='flex flex-col gap-2'>
<span className='text-brand-white'>Your Message</span>
className='p-2 bg-brand-white'
placeholder='Your message here...'
<button className='bg-brand-gold p-2 mt-4' type='submit'>
Send Message
Answered by New Guinea Freshwater Crocodile
The solution was to move the server action outside the component and make the component a client component.
9 Replies
Polar bear
You will need to use a client componet ("use client") and add handler for form actions that calls your server action
And change form action to handleSendMessage
async function handleSendMessage(formData: FormData) {
try {
const data = await sendMessage(formData);
// let use know message was sent
} catch (error) {
And change form action to handleSendMessage
New Guinea Freshwater CrocodileOP
Is this a missing feature?
you want to do a client action from a server action
its not a missing feature, its misplaced expectation
New Guinea Freshwater CrocodileOP
So it needs to be a client component but the action can still use useServer?
you can either make it a client component, or think outside the box with all the other ways you can do it... like with a header... or a cookie... etc
New Guinea Freshwater CrocodileOP
Cool thanks
New Guinea Freshwater CrocodileOP
The solution was to move the server action outside the component and make the component a client component.