Folder Structure
Tawny-shouldered Blackbird posted this in #help-forum
Tawny-shouldered BlackbirdOP
Hey guys , this is kind of a basic question but m following a tutorial on youtube and when i use "npx create-next-app" it asks a bunch of questions and the folder struction is app and public , but the tutorial im following has different folder structure which is pages, style, public etc . My question is how to do that later folder structure.
Thank you 🙂
Thank you 🙂
7 Replies
that is the old deprecated way. if you want to do an out of date tutorial, choose no when it asks for app dir
Tawny-shouldered BlackbirdOP
Ohh okay thanks
Arboreal ant
I was wondering about this. The documentation still talks about creating a pages folder, but this doesn't come with the initial install. I'm wondering is there a new routes system that's quietly being unveiled?
I was wondering about this. The documentation still talks about creating a pages folder, but this doesn't come with the initial install. I'm wondering is there a new routes system that's quietly being unveiled?
European sprat
Look at the app router doca
Arboreal ant
Will do, just in case you have a moment. I want to place some js code in my next js TypeScript app. It needs to moniter the local storage key value pairs. Can I dump it in the public folder and refer to it in the layout.tsx file?
yes though i would use [inline scripts]( for this