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API request body completely empty

Standard Chinchilla posted this in #help-forum
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Standard ChinchillaOP
The JSON.stringify(req) just returns {}.

I'm using postman to post a body, but yeah its like its not receiving anything at all, although the endpoint IS being hit. Anyone know how I can fix this?

export async function POST(req: NextApiRequest, res: NextApiResponse) {
  const sgMail = require("@sendgrid/mail");

  console.log("request is " + JSON.stringify(req));

  const emailData: sendGridEmailDTO = req.body;

  console.log("emailData is " + JSON.stringify(emailData));

    .then(() => {
      console.log("Email sent");
    .catch((error: any) => {
      console.log("THERE WAS AN ERROR");
      console.log("error is " + JSON.stringify(error));

3 Replies