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Separate layout routing for nested routes

Brown bear posted this in #help-forum
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Brown bearOP
I'm facing issues with my settings layout, which is nested inside the dashboard directory that has its own layout. Now when I navigate to a route in the settings, it uses the dashboard layout coupled with the settings layout. How can I make it so that the settings directory only uses the settings layout?

14 Replies

Brown bearOP
I did it like this now, where its (settings)/dashboard/settings/theroutes and the other dashboard routes are /dashboard/theroutes, but it doesnt really seem right and feels a bit off. Is there any other way to do this?
@DirtyCajunRice | AppDir
nope. look at the example. You need to make 2 route groups at root and separate that way.
Brown bearOP
so I should have dashboard folder under a () route group too? So it would be (settings)/dashboard/settings/routeitems and (dashboard)/dashboard/routeitems? compared to the before dashboard/routeitems and dashboard/settings/routeitems?
@DirtyCajunRice | AppDir
if you dont want the layouts to inherit yep. You also cant have the same exact page on both
so you can have (group1)/path1/page and (group2)/path2/page but you cant have (group1)/path1/page and (group2)/path1/page
Brown bearOP
the dashboard still works without the extra () route group. Why would I also need to have a second route group for the main dashboard routes?
its it to optimize/make it easier for nextjs to render routes?
it explains on the page i linked ^
Brown bearOP
hmm but I'm not changing the root layout, I'm changing the layout for a subset of pages. The root layout for all my pages are the same. the basic html tags
So am I doing it wrong?