CSS not working
Bahama Swallow posted this in #help-forum
Bahama SwallowOP
I styled my page using CSS, but it doesn't load inside my routes and components
32 Replies
Masai Lion
you have already ./global.css
@Bahama Swallow
@Bahama Swallow I styled my page using CSS, but it doesn't load inside my routes and components
if you arent using tailwind, you need to actually add your classes to the html. it wont just “pick it upâ€
@Masai Lion you have already ./global.css
Bahama SwallowOP
@Bahama Swallow yes
Masai Lion
I think you can not import all css two time
@DirtyCajunRice | AppDir if you arent using tailwind, you need to actually add your classes to the html. it wont just “pick it upâ€
Bahama SwallowOP
serious ? how do i do that, it's the same as the documentation, do i have to import the css in every page and style it?
Masai Lion
import styles from "@/styles/your-css.css"
like this you can do
Bahama SwallowOP
ok, i try it now, thanks @Masai Lion
Masai Lion
your welcome
ask if you can't make it
Bahama SwallowOP
Is that because I'm not styling the routes or is there something wrong?
so there is no error
import '@/styles/global.css'
but i cant' use
Masai Lion
ok so
globla.css you do not touch it
its de css of all your pages
if you want to create a css only for one page
i recomend you to create a folder named styles and to pout all your css in there
and you import it like you did but with the name of the css
like this
Bahama SwallowOP
so i created a css and i have to import in every page? I tried to create a css file for each page and import it as styles, but it gave an error, even though I followed Next's documentation
@Masai Lion do you wanna voc ? hhaha
Bahama SwallowOP
i don't understand what is voc, sorry hahahahha
@Bahama Swallow i don't understand what is voc, sorry hahahahha
Masai Lion
vocal chat haha
Bahama SwallowOP
ok, may be tomorrow ?
@Bahama Swallow ok, may be tomorrow ?
Masai Lion
Bahama SwallowOP
deal bro