My `not-found.tsx` is stuck in an infinite rerender. How can I solve this?
Balinese posted this in #help-forum
I've created a
file in my root app folder. When I navigate to no-existent routes, my custom not-found page kicks in. But it keeps re-rendering and reloading the page. How can I mitigate this rerendering behavior?6 Replies
is it an async component? can you make a repro repo
It seems to only happen on dev. I just made a build and it appears to be stable. 😄
hmm then you probably want to submit a bug report
it smells like a bug
Giant panda
I had this issue too, locally in dev mode it reloads the page over and over
seems like many people have this issue, but i can't reproduce it in dev mode (13.4.8-canary.7). could you make a repro repo?