How do you have websockets auto-disconnect when the user navigates using the back button or links
CORS error on api routes NextJs 15
ESLint Error: Error: Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression.
Problems with the url of the image
Can't assign sub domain to vercel
Hidratation problem with Internacionalization
shadcn styling help
i18n routing with Next 15 App router with default locale
Next.js 15 slow in development.
Fetch in middleware not accepting custom headers?
Server actions can’t be aborted
How to fix database conn error on build?
Server Components with session data
images appearing & disappearing without error
Vercel domain transfert
generateStaticParams with param that's not included in route
Import in prisma the schemas on supabase
Next.js App Router: Cloudflare CDN image URLs with /cdn-cgi path triggering 404 Not Found error
Type error