Only plain objects, and a few built-ins, can be passed to Client Components from Server Components
How to deploy Elysia backend on ▲ Vercel?
ID Token Error?
How to change this title or what its called? Og tag?
Next-auth(v5) questions
Static exports
v15 + Turbopack: Unbound breakpoint in Server Page?!
Breadcrumb title for dynamic routes
How to get params and searchParams in server component
Vercel Cors error
Next.js Backend Confusion
Example project with modern structure
Next js + firebase + firestore
How to validate env variables with zod?
On vercel deployments: `Error: Could not load the "sharp" module using the linux-x64 runtime`
How to access .env variables?
How to Build a Search Form with API Integration Using Next.js 14+?
[shadcn] Conditional rendering of commands in commandlist based on fetch
Disable button while processing. I need to do that to many buttons. Easy way exists?
Issues with revalidateTag i combination with dynamicIO/"use cache" when deployed on Vercel