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Static Site Build Errors From Parallel and Intercepting routes

Barbary Lion's avatar
Barbary Lion asked on · 0 Messages

"force-static" on loading pages?

Silver Fox's avatar
Silver Fox asked on · 7 Messages

npx shadcn-ui@latest add

Atlantic cod's avatar
Atlantic cod asked on · 66 Messages · Answered

hash value of URL with highlighted text is truncated

HaykMkrtich's avatar
HaykMkrtich asked on · 12 Messages

Is it possible to login remotely to nextjs application by creating Api endpoint?

Devon Rex's avatar
Devon Rex asked on · 0 Messages

How to deal with catching system in social media app ?

Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever's avatar
Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever asked on · 0 Messages

Header missing in Edge runtime

Brown bear's avatar
Brown bear asked on · 1 Message

Next x WordPress

West African Lion's avatar
West African Lion asked on · 0 Messages

Combine multiple middlewares (NextAuth & Next-Intl)

Allegheny mound ant's avatar
Allegheny mound ant asked on · 0 Messages

Problem with sign in in okta provider by next auth

Plott Hound's avatar
Plott Hound asked on · 1 Message

how can I override all requests to images stored externally?

Morelet’s Crocodile's avatar
Morelet’s Crocodile asked on · 0 Messages

Next doesn't transpile new URL(...) dependency

Blue orchard bee's avatar
Blue orchard bee asked on · 0 Messages

Intercepting routes clears Query Parameters from the route that initiated the request.

Wesley Janse's avatar
Wesley Janse asked on · 1 Message · Answered

Next JS Dynamic Metadata help

Ocicat's avatar
Ocicat asked on · 43 Messages · Answered

BullMQ integration

Cape lion's avatar
Cape lion asked on · 3 Messages · Answered

How do I force parallel routes to hard navigate?

Arcra's avatar
Arcra asked on · 12 Messages · Answered

How to change which fetch NextJS uses?

Irish Red and White Setter's avatar
Irish Red and White Setter asked on · 31 Messages

hostname "" is not configured under images in your `next.config.js`

Boby's avatar
Boby asked on · 4 Messages · Answered

How to and should I reuse an SDK client between different API routes?

Bonga shad's avatar
Bonga shad asked on · 1 Message

Next.js is not detecting _next/static/ files after deploying on the server online

crazyycoder's avatar
crazyycoder asked on · 7 Messages